Top Up-and-Coming Online Stores in Hong Kong
Steve Ng @ 2017-03-26 22:59:28 +0800Starting a business in Hong Kong is not easy. With high rents, salaries and the declining retail industry, small businesses must think of other ways to introduce themselves to the public with a limited budget. This is the reason why most people find it difficult to shop around Hong Kong; hard to avoid conventional brands and misses out original and noteworthy brands. Online stores seem to be vastly accessible and have taken the lead in fashion, here are Carnaby's top picks for all fashion savvy shoppers in Hong Kong: Luna Blanche Futuristic Street Wear at its best. Luna Blanche is bound to surprise...
15 Hong Kong Food Oversea Students Miss The Most
Carnaby Fair @ 2017-03-27 05:35:17 +0800Many thanks to @DribsAndNibs and @MissNomNomCity for the photo features. This blog is based on first-hand experiences from students studying in western countries but was born in Hong Kong. There are some pretty interesting food cravings we never would expect... “Although London's China Town is like our go-to dining spot, it is far fetched from anything in Hong Kong. They try so hard to recreate many local dishes that nothing really tastes too authentic (despite that 'Gwai Lo' Chinese is still pretty good!). I don’t usually crave the well-known stuff, but what I miss the most is that average bowl of...
Carnaby Fair @ 2017-01-15 01:36:35 +0800近幾年大家都好興講「喂,今晚着得Chill D 得架喇 」 何謂着得Chill? 就係着得普通得嚟又有刻意打扮得有型有款。 要着得Chill, 陪飾方面就當然唔小得帽同太陽眼鏡! 好似Gigi Hadid簡單一件衛衣同leggings帶住個hood 襯返副超,Sporty得嚟又有時尚感。 Gigi Hadid's Gentle Monster Love Punch Sunglasses Chill嘅代表又點少得Rihanna! 型人特別鍾意帶帽同太陽眼鏡。 Rock Rihanna's style, Valfré "Not Impressed" Baseball Cap. 上飛機就當然要着得夠Chill夠舒服啦,唔化妝帶返頂帽同太陽眼鏡遮一遮個樣上機即刻訓覺,又型又方便。 Laid-back Under Control Snapbacks at Carnaby Fair. 身為Kardashian一分子都唔洗下下戰鬥格,落街買嘢都係Chill D好。 帶頂plain D嘅帽同反光太陽眼鏡,即刻為簡單嘅造型加分。 Get the look! Lookalike Aviator Sunglasses by Charlie Max.
#HatGameStrong LFWM Top Street Style 2017
Carnaby Fair @ 2017-01-18 03:52:21 +0800Last week was the end of London Fashion Week Men's 2017. We knew we were about to see a mix of product on the catwalks, but there were exceptions; exquisite unforeseen pieces were on the streets and it was exploding with style! The selected designers and participants raise the bar and really played their fashion game well, so let's kick-start and see what Street Fashion 2017 have got in store for us! Camp Cap is Back! Spotted, layered by a pimped hoodie and a typographic scarf, the brass copper Camp Cap is like the cherry on top! Who doesn't like to be the champ of the Gentlemen's...
Top 8 Best Photography Places in Hong Kong
Carnaby Fair @ 2017-01-31 07:43:51 +0800After the 1997 reunification, Hong Kong did not have a huge creative scene because it was so driven by cooperative consumerism. But in recent years the creative class of Hong Kong made up a small portion of dichotomies, giving diversities and growing opportunities like pop-up galleries, westernized cafes, street arts and innovation.Hong Kong has now got a unique culture combining East and West together and there is no other place like this. Being born in such a diverse city, we embrace the fine lines between traditions and the modernisation of both Cantonese culture and Western influences. Carnaby Fair will feature...