
Why Carnaby? All About Carnaby Street in London

Kay Lee @ 2017-05-06 01:44:30 +0800

Forming a historic part of London's culture and nightlife scene, Carnaby Street (and its surrounding roads) has seen its share of London Town's mischief. Deriving its name from Karnaby House, which was built in 1683, it has since developed into a famous street crawling with food, nightlife and a world-class shopping experience. Located in London's West End, it was the birthplace of the Swinging 60's in London, where the Beatles and the Rolling Stones came to get their clothes at 'His Clothes', and was a regular spot for style icon Brigitte Bardot. Legend suggests that Paul McCartney met his first...

THE FUTURE OF CAPS 環保無水染色Cap帽 向浪費說「不」

Alice Kwok @ 2018-09-21 09:32:23 +0800


光是種植一條牛仔褲所需的棉花便要需要8,506 公升水,足夠12個人喝一年。
5%水系列Cap帽的原材料由BCI (Better Cotton Initiative)提供並使用GiDelave的無水染色技術BCI是一所生產棉花的非牟利機構,生產過程比其他棉花消耗少40-50%的淡水。GiDelave堪稱最環保的染色技術,用水量只是傳統染色技術的5%,即是0.05公升便可生產一頂Cap帽,而且不會產生任何污水。

Carnaby Fair『90後』香港限定Cap帽

Alice Kwok @ 2018-09-14 18:50:13 +0800
買咩cap帽?本地潮牌 Carnaby Fair x Yanise Lai 的「90後」香港Cap帽系列,設計靈感來自周星馳的電影,是十分適合香港年輕人及各位Ching戴的帽。由香港Hip Hop組合「米奇老味神奇屋 The Low Mays」代言,Explore Carnaby Fair on Hong Kong Streetwear, Cultural, Art, Baseball Caps, Customised cap, Custom cap, and more.

香港嘻哈 : 什麼是香港Hip Hop?

Alice Kwok @ 2018-09-13 21:53:33 +0800
香港Hip Hop 一直被視為地下音樂,不為港人熟識。不同於外國音樂以英文主導,香港 Hip Hop 的精髓在於使用廣東話創作,並加入本地街頭文化Rapper 以最簡單直白的語言表達自我。有別與本地主流音樂,香港Hip Hop 的話題較少圍繞愛情,創作主要圍繞港人關心的話題和社會現況。

The Smile Project

Carnaby Fair @ 2018-04-28 01:15:41 +0800

The Smile Project, by Carnaby Fair, partners up with various charity organizations such as Water. Org, War Child, and PETA. Each artwork patch is customized onto the cap, representing a specific cause and 50% of the patch profit will be donated to the selected charity.   Subscribe to our Newsletter to be the 1st for pre-order in June!  

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