Meaning Behind #GirlBoss Cap
Carnaby Fair @ 2017-10-30 07:12:40 +0800In October, Carnaby Fair partnered up with Hong Kong Cancer Fund to help spread the message of breast cancer awareness, 1 in 8 women have it. The GirlBoss Cap was designed by Natalie Kwan, a social influencer, philanthropist and businesswoman from Hong Kong. Natalie's remarks on the collaboration "The cap was designed to make the statement 'We are all a Girl Boss in our own way'. We wear this with power and there is absolutely nothing a determined woman cannot single-handedly achieve!" A portion of the Girlboss profit's will be donated to the Hong Kong Cancer Fund, we encourage...
Carnaby Fair 新一代訂做Cap帽的公司
Carnaby Fair @ 2017-08-29 16:17:03 +0800
大家有沒有留意到最近的時尚潮流? 不論什麼年齡,你身邊總是會有個很喜歡戴帽的朋友或家人。Carnany Fair 希望成為全香港最高質素訂做自家cap帽的公司。