

Carnaby Fair @ 2017-01-15 01:36:35 +0800

近幾年大家都好興講「喂,今晚着得Chill D 得架喇 」 何謂着得Chill? 就係着得普通得嚟又有刻意打扮得有型有款。 要着得Chill, 陪飾方面就當然唔小得帽同太陽眼鏡! 好似Gigi Hadid簡單一件衛衣同leggings帶住個hood 襯返副超,Sporty得嚟又有時尚感。 Gigi Hadid's Gentle Monster Love Punch Sunglasses  Chill嘅代表又點少得Rihanna! 型人特別鍾意帶帽同太陽眼鏡。 Rock Rihanna's style, Valfré "Not Impressed" Baseball Cap.  上飛機就當然要着得夠Chill夠舒服啦,唔化妝帶返頂帽同太陽眼鏡遮一遮個樣上機即刻訓覺,又型又方便。 Laid-back Under Control Snapbacks at Carnaby Fair.  身為Kardashian一分子都唔洗下下戰鬥格,落街買嘢都係Chill D好。 帶頂plain D嘅帽同反光太陽眼鏡,即刻為簡單嘅造型加分。 Get the look! Lookalike Aviator Sunglasses by Charlie Max. 

Top 8 Best Photography Places in Hong Kong

Carnaby Fair @ 2017-01-31 07:43:51 +0800

After the 1997 reunification, Hong Kong did not have a huge creative scene because it was so driven by cooperative consumerism. But in recent years the creative class of Hong Kong made up a small portion of dichotomies, giving diversities and growing opportunities like pop-up galleries, westernized cafes, street arts and innovation.Hong Kong has now got a unique culture combining East and West together and there is no other place like this. Being born in such a diverse city, we embrace the fine lines between traditions and the modernisation of both Cantonese culture and Western influences. Carnaby Fair will feature...