
Top 8 Best Photography Places in Hong Kong

Carnaby Fair @ 2017-01-31 07:43:51 +0800

After the 1997 reunification, Hong Kong did not have a huge creative scene because it was so driven by cooperative consumerism. But in recent years the creative class of Hong Kong made up a small portion of dichotomies, giving diversities and growing opportunities like pop-up galleries, westernized cafes, street arts and innovation.Hong Kong has now got a unique culture combining East and West together and there is no other place like this. Being born in such a diverse city, we embrace the fine lines between traditions and the modernisation of both Cantonese culture and Western influences. Carnaby Fair will feature...

Carnaby Fair『90後』香港限定Cap帽

Alice Kwok @ 2018-09-14 18:50:13 +0800
買咩cap帽?本地潮牌 Carnaby Fair x Yanise Lai 的「90後」香港Cap帽系列,設計靈感來自周星馳的電影,是十分適合香港年輕人及各位Ching戴的帽。由香港Hip Hop組合「米奇老味神奇屋 The Low Mays」代言,Explore Carnaby Fair on Hong Kong Streetwear, Cultural, Art, Baseball Caps, Customised cap, Custom cap, and more.

香港嘻哈 : 什麼是香港Hip Hop?

Alice Kwok @ 2018-09-13 21:53:33 +0800
香港Hip Hop 一直被視為地下音樂,不為港人熟識。不同於外國音樂以英文主導,香港 Hip Hop 的精髓在於使用廣東話創作,並加入本地街頭文化Rapper 以最簡單直白的語言表達自我。有別與本地主流音樂,香港Hip Hop 的話題較少圍繞愛情,創作主要圍繞港人關心的話題和社會現況。

Meaning Behind #GirlBoss Cap

Carnaby Fair @ 2017-10-30 07:12:40 +0800

  In October, Carnaby Fair partnered up with Hong Kong Cancer Fund to help spread the message of breast cancer awareness, 1 in 8 women have it.   The GirlBoss Cap was designed by Natalie Kwan, a social influencer, philanthropist and businesswoman from Hong Kong. Natalie's remarks on the collaboration "The cap was designed to make the statement 'We are all a Girl Boss in our own way'. We wear this with power and there is absolutely nothing a determined woman cannot single-handedly achieve!"     A portion of the Girlboss profit's will be donated to the Hong Kong Cancer Fund, we encourage...

Carnaby Fair 新一代訂做Cap帽的公司

Carnaby Fair @ 2017-08-29 16:17:03 +0800
大家有沒有留意到最近的時尚潮流? 不論什麼年齡,你身邊總是會有個很喜歡戴帽的朋友或家人。Carnany Fair 希望成為全香港最高質素訂做自家cap帽的公司
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