

Carnaby Fair @ 2017-07-20 15:55:30 +0800
咖啡店在香港越來越流行, 不過我們很多時只會去Starbucks 或 Pacific Coffee。無論是為了Post Instagram 或 Snapchat, 我們在今個暑假或週末有空的時間可以與朋友, 家人或情人一同去以下3間有特色的Cafe。

15 Hong Kong Food Oversea Students Miss The Most

Carnaby Fair @ 2017-03-27 05:35:17 +0800

Many thanks to @DribsAndNibs and @MissNomNomCity for the photo features. This blog is based on first-hand experiences from students studying in western countries but was born in Hong Kong. There are some pretty interesting food cravings we never would expect... “Although London's China Town is like our go-to dining spot, it is far fetched from anything in Hong Kong. They try so hard to recreate many local dishes that nothing really tastes too authentic (despite that 'Gwai Lo' Chinese is still pretty good!). I don’t usually crave the well-known stuff, but what I miss the most is that average bowl of...